Peace & Rhythm Crew recommends the latest album called Impredicible from the really great Peruvian band Bareto - and it is indeed "unpredictable"!!Very wide-ranging soundscontained therein! Each record they do tops their previous effort (I put a track from their Grammy-nominated previous CD Ves lo que quieres ver
on my Rough Guide to Psychedelic Cumbia
plus they did a great compendium of their last 10 years with 10 Años),
and this is their most evolved outing to date. From chicha to reggae to psychedelic folk to electronica and places in between and beyond, the band crafts indescribably beautiful original soul vibrations, meditations and reflections on identity, representation, healing, madness, surface v.s. substance (and ancient v.s. modern), creating a work infused with the tropical and jungle roots of their first albums, but taking in other influences mirroring the refracted polarities of urban Peru today. Bareto brings an incredibly diverse palette to a very satisfying release. Now if only they would do vinyl editions of their albums (hint)! Awesome CD packaging design by José Antonio Mesones and thanks to Press Junkie PR for getting the word out on this fab band in the USA! Let's hope they come this way soon!Check them out here: